Archive for category General Cuteness

Daddy likes this picture

Daddy likes this picture a whole lot.

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After the Burp

I just had a great big burp. =)

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Audrey’s Special Outfit

Boy, am I cute or what?! Mommy put together this great little outfit for me! I feel like a big girl!

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Ruh roh, Kickstand

Sometimes we fall asleep with our pacifiers in our mouths, and yes, sometimes they tend to slip out. Once in a while, we get a little kickstand. This picture of me is pretty funny, but Audrey had her pacifier in he ear the other day. That was pretty funny, too. ~ S

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Chill Time…

Here we are, chillin’ out maxin’ relaxin’ all cool…. =)

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New Outfits

How do we look in our new outfits? So awesome? So adorable? You can hug us if you want.

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A Little Excursion

Today was a gorgeous day, so we went for a walk around Lake Oswego.  We went past the water fountains, along the lake and back up to Zeppo to see our friends Doug and Patrick. Everyone says we’re cute. Yep, they’re right. We are very cute.

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Fist in Face

Here we are, sleeping next to each other. Cute, right?  Sure, except for the fact that Stella keeps resting her hands on my face, then I get agitated and push back a little. We go back and forth like this for a few moments and then we get too tired to deal with it, so we go back to sleep. ~ A

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Stella and Audrey, 3 weeks

Here we are at 3 weeks old.  Are we not the epitome of cute?  Of course, just after this picture was taken, one of us (not saying who, but she knows who she is) farted so loudly that she got startled. Mommy and daddy had a great laugh.


Our Hobby

This is what we do most of the day.  Yes, we sleep… and we bet you’re a little jealous.  We have a feeling that we’ll be sleeping a bit less in the next couple weeks. There’s so much to see and do!

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