New collection of photos, little update

These photos were taken over the last 5 weeks. Both Stella and Audrey are walking (almost running), they’ve figured out how to open doors, cabinets, drawers, the garbage bin, pop-tops for their treats, etc. They love grabbing and walking on daddy’s keyboard. More teeth are coming through (Stella’s top teeth have broken free) and ‘bla la la da’ conversations have been going on at high volumes for a couple weeks now. Both girls love Nordstrom (of course) and going outside for walks in the not-quite-warm-enough weather. In eight days they’ll be 1 year old!

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

Audey and Stella, 2011

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More photos of the girls…

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Daddy pics…

Audrey with Daddy…

Stella with Daddy…

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OMG, More Photos!

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Even More Photos of Cute Girlies

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Photos and More Photos!

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First time with cereal!!

Here’s a cute clip of me having some rice cereal today! OMG I am so cute!

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Stella had some cereal, too but missed the photo ops!

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We Love Bath Time!!

We love, love, love bath time! Sometimes we have several baths a day! Hooray!

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Photo updates! Play time! Pool party! Wow!

We had a great time swimming with our friends today! We had naps, went swimming, took more naps and enjoyed listening to all the fun conversations around us. What a great day in the sun!

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Here we are in our cute pink ballerina outfits! Oh my goodness, we are so cute!!



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