Stella and Audrey sitting up

We were given two simple but wonderful gifts – bumbo seats. Now we can sit up and hang out with mommy and daddy! Hooray, this is fun!

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P.S. In this clip, we’re 2 months and 3 1/2 weeks old! =) =)

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10 1/2 weeks!

As of today, we’re 10 1/2 weeks old! Hooray! Both of us have passed the 9lb mark, and yes, we have chubby cheeks, cute neck rolls and more. Here are some more pictures of us being extra cuddly.

Audrey says hiya!

Stella says hi to daddy…

After-milk relaxing with mommy…

Stella has begun standing; no balance, but lots of strength and excitement!

Here we are going out for a walk…

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Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day to all dads out there!

The four of us slept in late and then went to Zeppo for a very tasty nooner breakfast. =)
Daddy and the girls

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More Girlie Photos

Here are some more recent photos taken of the girlies.

Audrey’s little foot…
Audrey's little foot

Little Miss Audrey…
Little Miss Audrey

Audrey’s feet in jeans…
Audrey's feet in jeans

Daddy, Mommy and Audrey (who must, must lay sideways on daddy)…
Daddy, Mommy and Audrey

Little Miss Stella…
Little Miss Stella

Big Smiles from Stella…
Big Smiles from Stella

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First Family Photo

Our first family photo taken at home in Portland, Oregon
First Family Photo

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Warm Caribbean Breezes!

Sometimes we like getting our diapers changed and other times, we really really don’t like it at all. We do our best to let everyone know about our dissatisfaction. We’ve complained to management, but no one does anything! One day, we were in the middle of a loud diaper changing session when someone turned on a blow dryer. Wow – what’s that amazing noise?! The next thing you know, we don’t mind the changing. Then the best thing ever happened – the blow dryer was pointed at us and we got nice warm air on our butts! OMG how awesome is that?! It’s like a summer Caribbean breeze! Now we like diaper time! Yay!

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Nap Time

This is the best kind of nap time ever. Audrey and I like to sleep on Daddy’s chest, but Mommy’s may be better because it has built-in pillows.

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Cute bits

Sometimes the little bits and details are the cutest of them all.



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Daddy likes this picture

Daddy likes this picture a whole lot.

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After the Burp

I just had a great big burp. =)

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