Archive for May, 2010

Warm Caribbean Breezes!

Sometimes we like getting our diapers changed and other times, we really really don’t like it at all. We do our best to let everyone know about our dissatisfaction. We’ve complained to management, but no one does anything! One day, we were in the middle of a loud diaper changing session when someone turned on a blow dryer. Wow – what’s that amazing noise?! The next thing you know, we don’t mind the changing. Then the best thing ever happened – the blow dryer was pointed at us and we got nice warm air on our butts! OMG how awesome is that?! It’s like a summer Caribbean breeze! Now we like diaper time! Yay!

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Nap Time

This is the best kind of nap time ever. Audrey and I like to sleep on Daddy’s chest, but Mommy’s may be better because it has built-in pillows.

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Cute bits

Sometimes the little bits and details are the cutest of them all.



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Daddy likes this picture

Daddy likes this picture a whole lot.

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After the Burp

I just had a great big burp. =)

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Audrey’s Special Outfit

Boy, am I cute or what?! Mommy put together this great little outfit for me! I feel like a big girl!

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Ruh roh, Kickstand

Sometimes we fall asleep with our pacifiers in our mouths, and yes, sometimes they tend to slip out. Once in a while, we get a little kickstand. This picture of me is pretty funny, but Audrey had her pacifier in he ear the other day. That was pretty funny, too. ~ S

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Stella takes on Lenny Kravitz

This picture…

… quickly became this one…

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Chill Time…

Here we are, chillin’ out maxin’ relaxin’ all cool…. =)

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We Love Zeppo & Farmers’ Market

On Saturday we got to go to our very first farmers’ market in Lake Oswego. Of course, we started the morning with a visit to Zeppo, mommy and daddy’s favorite Italian restaurant. Daddy had a breakfast pizza that he called a “miracle on a plate”. We’re glad he enjoyed it, but pizza is nothing compared to fresh milk – now that’s the good stuff!


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