Archive for April, 2010

Tummy Time

Hi there.  This is how I feel about tummy time today.  Ok?

~ Audrey

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Our Hobby

This is what we do most of the day.  Yes, we sleep… and we bet you’re a little jealous.  We have a feeling that we’ll be sleeping a bit less in the next couple weeks. There’s so much to see and do!

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Daddy and Audrey

This is my daddy, Jason. Mommy took this picture when we were still in the hospital getting ready to go home. ~ A

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25 hours old

Here we are, only 25 hours old!  The first picture is me, Audrey.  The second picture is my little sister, Stella.  I’m 1 minute older than she is. I’m sure that I’ll be able to use that to my advantage at some point.

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Coming Soon!

Here we are, getting ready to visit the world. We’re head down, toes pointed, all set to go.

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