Archive for category Photos

We Love Our Swing!

This is how excited we are about the swing that daddy set up. It makes us woozy and sleepy. Daddy calls it a miracle machine. We take some of our longest naps in the swing and we really enjoy listening to Pandora radio while drifting off. Carla Bruni, Zero 7, Supreme Beings of Leisure and Mazzy Star are so relaxing!

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New Outfits

How do we look in our new outfits? So awesome? So adorable? You can hug us if you want.

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Stella and Audrey, 3 weeks

Here we are at 3 weeks old.  Are we not the epitome of cute?  Of course, just after this picture was taken, one of us (not saying who, but she knows who she is) farted so loudly that she got startled. Mommy and daddy had a great laugh.


Tummy Time

Hi there.  This is how I feel about tummy time today.  Ok?

~ Audrey

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Our Hobby

This is what we do most of the day.  Yes, we sleep… and we bet you’re a little jealous.  We have a feeling that we’ll be sleeping a bit less in the next couple weeks. There’s so much to see and do!

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Daddy and Audrey

This is my daddy, Jason. Mommy took this picture when we were still in the hospital getting ready to go home. ~ A

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25 hours old

Here we are, only 25 hours old!  The first picture is me, Audrey.  The second picture is my little sister, Stella.  I’m 1 minute older than she is. I’m sure that I’ll be able to use that to my advantage at some point.

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Coming Soon!

Here we are, getting ready to visit the world. We’re head down, toes pointed, all set to go.

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